We invite you to say goodbye to Dr. Hamer in your own words In unspeakably deep sorrow
we announce that the
greatest discoverer in human history,
our dear friend Dr. med. Mag. theol.

passed away on July 2nd, 2017
Viva la medicina sagrada!
Amici di Drik

Dear reader,


As a person living in times in which it is especially necessary that the truth be available to all of us living together on this planet, I share the desire that information important to our survival freely circulate.


However, I have discovered that, as regards my publications, there are some translations and editions in circulation (the contents of which are incorrect), that have neither been examined nor authorized by me. Manipulation carries the risk that the purely scientific GERMANIC NEW MEDICINE® (GERMANIC HEILKUNDE) may be altered, with the additional risk of an unnoticed or intentional distortion that can lead to undesirable results for the reader, who is seeking a solution to his/her health problems.


There is no guarantee that publications (books or articles) which do not appear on this website, but can be found on others websites on the internet have not been purposefully, anonymously manipulated-changed.


Therefore, I find it necessary to advise the reader to be sure to check that the information he holds in his hands has really been published by the publisher “Amici di Dirk® – Ediciones de la Nueva Medicina S. L.”


Only by this means can I guarantee correspondence to my original, undistorted work. Your carefulness will contribute to the present and future dissemination of the authentic “GERMANIC”. Also the purchase of copies published by Amici di Dirk will contribute not only to continued distribution from my publishing house but also allow me to further my research.


Many thanks in my name and in the name of all patients who will benefit from accurate knowledge through your ethical contribution.


Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

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